About Worship

Worship Time/Details

Sunday Worship Services are held at UTC every other month.  Service is held at United Methodist Church in Hamburg the other months. See the schedule below:

October 2020- UTC

Novemeber 2020- UMC

December 2020- UTC

Worship at United Trinity reflects the variety of people who attend.  You will find serveral speaking, clothing, and music styles, so come as you are.

Worship Leadership Opportunities

On Sunday mornings, numerous people are involved in leadership before, during, and after our gathering to worship God.  Consider being involved in one of the following ways:

- Liturgist/Scripture Reader/Prayer

- Children's Moment Leader

- Musician (any instrument or vocalist welcome)

- Ushers/Greeters

- Special Music

- Adult Choir 

- Media

- Coffee/Fellowship


If interested in being involved, please contact the church or send a note here.

Above: Our 2018 Popcorn Day float